Friday, April 3, 2009

Red Breast.

well, hopefully that got you excited! or if you've been running long distances without proper nipple protection it could just bring back shivering memories of chaffing. in any case - I saw the first* robin of the spring today~! it's official! no more winter**! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

I snapped a picture^ of this little bugger outside my kitchen window this morning, as I was making some ginger tea. mmmmmm. ginger tea with milk and a dollop of honey - I've had about three cups so far this morning, it's just that good. plus I think I'm right at the circumventing disaster stage with some kind of ear infection. it's been really cold and wet every day for almost two weeks, and I bike everywhere*** which makes me realllllly glad that it's sunny today and I'm heading off on a little MUCH deserved Vaca time.

^if you click on it ... it gets way too big for your screen.
*my first visible robin. I've heard the little suckers around - but they're like ninjas...
**now I'm off to VT to check there. the prospects don't look good folks.
***plus the going into a 70 degree classroom, completely disrobing, and then back out into the cold rain, six times a day can't be healthy.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

You Know That Time

between sitting down to do something on the computer, and the feature length span of time later when you actually get around to doing it? The, while these pictures for the project that I have to put together and send without exception by this evening at the latest are loading, I'll just check my email. oh yeah - and that link at the top of the page to my RSS reader - I guess i'll just hop over to that and see if there's anything new good. which there isn't really ... but it's good enough that you spend about the length of an episode of House scrolling through blogger updates like this back when I knew her she was just another struggling youth - and now one of the top 50 unique blog designers of our times. I suppose I could link to more of the ones that I enjoy reading, but they're sometimes just comics, or too numerous to post ... and the more I link to, the more you'll stay sedentary. I'll stop. thought - can one bring a laptop into the gym and read blogs while running? because ... if you can ... holy crap. think of all the workout time that I've been wasting simply sitting around! do I need to buy a Kindle for that? because ... I just might. for real. the glory of varying !greyscale! images ... oooooh. what technology has showered upon us shall remain in the glory of weathering shadows!

recently I've been waxing poetic for no good reason. I'm not sure if it means that I'm passing into a realm of nuttiness, or acute observation. but if I'm going to be a prophet ... I'd like to be one of the ones that gets old and a huge beard and wanders around on boxes of soap. not one of the ones that gets martyred in a public stoning. I don't want to be stoned at all actually ... especially not in public.

now - for important news.*

there is this guy. named Bo Burnham. and he. is hilarious. whether you are interested in math or not - you have to listen. there are a few lines like the 'domain domain range' bit that you might miss, and the part about underage women and perfect squares might make you cringe just a tad bit; but it's a SONG about MATH! this hasn't happened since the famous set math song of '06 !! "I'm living in a kernel of a rank one path!" hahaha - the math nerd in me rolls on the floor laughing. oh. wait. that's the real me. and the real me cracked the explicative up watching mr Burnham's piece as well. you will be a better person from it. and don't we all want to be better people?**

*if you still have time to read this after checking out those other sites.
**even though the realism of the situation would make you want to say 'be a better person', the grammar of parallelism can only be satisfied with a secondary plural. Unless I said 'each be a better person' - in which case it's assumptive and requires an infinite poll to prove.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is Anybody Out There?

Well well well. It's been some time now, hasn't it? Something has brought me back. Something ... mysterious ... something ... revelationary. But I can't think of it right now. Maybe it was just that so many people have been asking me what's going on - in the past, present, future, gerund, and indicative sense. More on that later. So - it must be time to update.

However - I'm not really interested in updating on what's transpired - because that's 10 months of biking, moving, schooling, dinners, vacations, working, friends, family, games, books, and tea.

Also - currently it's a lot of school, bike, pie, tea, plant, mushroom, book, sniffle, rain, blossom - way too much detail to go into at this current juncture.

Hence - this update is just to say hi.

And to say that I was just sitting around today thinking about vacuum. what a cool word. a double u! which incidentally is not the letter double-u. that's just a misnomer. what we call a double u is really a double-v. but nobody takes the time to understand the difference ... which is why I use a soft, looped double-u for English, and a double-v when writing in other languages. it's only fitting. what fools these linguistics be. really ... it should either be pronounced 'vack-you-um' or 'vack-wm' ... but certainly not 'vack-yoom'. the other word I came up with off hand was continuum - which IS pronounced with the double u. Then - if you're chemistry savvy you've got menstruum (ew ... not that. it's a solvent used in solutions for infusion, decoction, distillation, etc.) and residuum (yeah - it's what it sounds like). hehe ... decoction. apparently there are also triduum, and the distinctly rare duumvir and duumvirate ... but really ... if I don't use them ... does anyone? i thought not. now - if you were paying attention - we had a double v word in there !! now don't get me started on those! or else I'll have you in your skivvies divvying up navvies in civvies into revving flivvers!

and on that note. a dios vais.