Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Is Anybody Out There?

Well well well. It's been some time now, hasn't it? Something has brought me back. Something ... mysterious ... something ... revelationary. But I can't think of it right now. Maybe it was just that so many people have been asking me what's going on - in the past, present, future, gerund, and indicative sense. More on that later. So - it must be time to update.

However - I'm not really interested in updating on what's transpired - because that's 10 months of biking, moving, schooling, dinners, vacations, working, friends, family, games, books, and tea.

Also - currently it's a lot of school, bike, pie, tea, plant, mushroom, book, sniffle, rain, blossom - way too much detail to go into at this current juncture.

Hence - this update is just to say hi.

And to say that I was just sitting around today thinking about vacuum. what a cool word. a double u! which incidentally is not the letter double-u. that's just a misnomer. what we call a double u is really a double-v. but nobody takes the time to understand the difference ... which is why I use a soft, looped double-u for English, and a double-v when writing in other languages. it's only fitting. what fools these linguistics be. really ... it should either be pronounced 'vack-you-um' or 'vack-wm' ... but certainly not 'vack-yoom'. the other word I came up with off hand was continuum - which IS pronounced with the double u. Then - if you're chemistry savvy you've got menstruum (ew ... not that. it's a solvent used in solutions for infusion, decoction, distillation, etc.) and residuum (yeah - it's what it sounds like). hehe ... decoction. apparently there are also triduum, and the distinctly rare duumvir and duumvirate ... but really ... if I don't use them ... does anyone? i thought not. now - if you were paying attention - we had a double v word in there !! now don't get me started on those! or else I'll have you in your skivvies divvying up navvies in civvies into revving flivvers!

and on that note. a dios vais.


Anonymous said...

you're a putz. (no double letters at all - just a fact)

Anonymous said...

Hi right back at you.

Unknown said...

I was literally laughing out loud at this. This is one of the many reasons why I will probably never beat you at scrabble, because you ponder words and their structure.