Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Teeth Cleaning ...

As you might have ascertained from the title, today I got my teeth cleaned. If you have the means and are in the Manchester, VT area I highly recommend DDS PC Richard Heilemann's office (802) 362 1099. ... just putting that out there. friendly. professional. excellent work. everything that you could ask for - and they give you a new toothbrush and floss and stuff when you're done! you even get to choose between waxed (read : slippery and hard) or woven (read : precision engineered) - what fun!

We began with a relaxing head and neck massage - while I sipped fluoride and pretended that I was reclining on an ocean liner in the south pacific islands - made significantly easier, as they have a tropical fish mobile (brightly colored caricatures) hanging in the very room! Another cool thing that took me a second to gain cognizance of, is that they don't have doors on the cleaning rooms. huge windows, not shut in at all, pictures and mobiles ... but all in a very starkly clean environ. crafty.

Then the routine xrays, crevice check (hey - teeth - gutter mind), space check, general buffing, scraping (this is where they get the metal pick and your teeth to make that distinctive blood curdling, small child paralyzing, fingernail scraping noise), and final polishing. I was commended for brushing at pseudo-regular intervals, and for saying that I keep a floss pack in both my med kit and my bathroom kit. I only claimed to have used floss when 'overcome with enough guilt to convince myself to' - and let me tell you, those two times were memorable enough to assuage any further flossings!

In the meantime - if you can think of any way to get about three duffel bags worth of stuff that I want to bring on the road trip down to the 1 that we each agreed on - that would be most helpful. 'bigger duffel', 'shrink wrap', 'spandex', and 'tankinis' are options that have all been nixed already. thanks.

If you think Copacetic is fine and satisfactory - break up and swap the two words - Acetic Cop! Bitter acid police officer - nothing okay about that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How to pack a lot of stuff into a very small space: work hard. It's the way every female in the military survives; we spend a lot of time rolling every semi-soft object into it's smallest possible conformation and then we cram them into plastic bagggies, seal those tight, and use rubberbands to bind everything together.

Well, that's how I do it anyway.