Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thus it Begins ...

Well now. There was a time that I considered the word blog to be an anagram of glob that renders an invalid Scrabble play. But as those times have obviously passed, and since you are now curious about anagrams and word etymology, I will elucidate you on the finer points of said blog.

Many people, inclusive of the wild propagation of bloggers, believe that blog is a crude and inglorious word for the online publications of their lives and thoughts. And it is. You mention your blog at a formal dinner with new acquaintances, and it is easy to be suddenly seen as someone who sits at home rambling about inconsequential, without purpose. Not so, people of the world. For example, you are about to learn something right now. The word blog actually stems from a much more academic and socially respected root: weblog. Interestingly enough, you can put a space at the b and get 'web log' - the root separated - or at the e and get 'we blog' - the action we take. So, in the future, mention in polite conversation that you have a 'weblog' of your recent activities, or perhaps an 'online journal' of personal musings. But in writing this, I decided to check Wikipedia, and found out more than I was actually going to write here ... I was even going to use the word portmanteau ... damn you Wiki! There is something not in there though - Joe Bloggs is the English equivalent of our Joe Blow, or John Doe, for any hypothetical person.


You feel smart now.

But really, this is supposed to be about me - so apparently I like teaching people, and words, and discussions. Brilliant!

Well, if you are reading this, I presuppose that you already know me well enough to forgo any lengthy foundational introduction. Plus, this was supposed to be a weblog containing tales of adventure! Personal insights! Graham cracker crusts! And, considering that the much awaited 6 week cross country road-trip is soon approaching, I wanted to get this here log started! I will endeavor to flesh out the page and details at my convenience later this week.

Stay tuned. Excitement and vivification awaits!

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