Sunday, March 30, 2008


yeah, yeah, yeah.

The only thing worse than someone who feels the need to put even more rubbish on the internet through a blog is someone with a blog that doesn't update it regularly. Thanks grandma. no - not really - she didn't say that. but you were all thinking it.

So - the deal is : I've been fanatic busy again.

DAT classes - yay for dentists! they're so polite!
MCAT classes - seems like we have more and more every day ....
I drive to Hanover, NH tomorrow for tutoring and classes - and the time in-between is for grading more essays.
Essays - they get their own blog days sometimes.
Bikram - trying to go twice a week - but I got sick.

here's what happened.

I did an MCAT class on Sat afternoon - and then went to the late Bikram Yoga class. For those of you out there that haven't already Googled it - Bikram is like a mix between yoga and Tae-Bo in a room heated to 100+ with 90+ humidity for 90 minutes to 2 hours non-stop. one 10 second drink break every half hour - is all. heat. sweat. heat. sweat. stretch. sweat. move. sweat. it's pretty ridiculous - but it's actually getting me used to the idea of being super hot and still moving and giving the extra effort when I think I'm about to fall over. So - that's awesome prep for the bike trip (not to mention that I am getting way more flexible). But then I thought that I was going to go to Auri's for dinner .... except that there was a miscommunication - and she had plans. So I thought I'd take the bus back. But this is now later in the day - and apparently the bus stopped running barely 1 MINUTE before I walked out of the Yoga studio. I waited like 10 minutes after everyone had left - because I could not -no matter what I did - stop sweating. I did cold water, stood in the hall, my heartbeat was relaxed, just pouring sweat all over though. So - I had to leave to get home - but didn't know that i had missed the last bus. Waited like 15 minutes in the bitter (20 degree) cold - sweating like a fool and freezing (like a fool) because I didn't want to bother my roommates to come pick me up (that's kind of lame). Finally decided that the bus wasn't going to come (which was correct) and walked the hour back to my apartment - constantly changing hands that were carrying my bag and gear because after about 2 minutes holding it in the cold my fingers would freeze up. yeah. stupid. so now I have a horrific sore throat and cough and feel sick like a dog - or at least a sick dog - and my head hurts. all bad things. somehow I must have thought that I could stay warm by walking back? wrong. ick. I hate being sick. and I had to teach for over 3 hours today and try not to rasp the whole time. what a bother. I hope I'm better by tomorrow - because I don't want to start off a new class with a cold - that's bad form.

anywho - glad to be back in the swing! more updates to come! training is getting even more underweigh - and I have new shoes - more on that later!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Just in Case.

you need to know whether it was farther down the road, or further behind schedule.

check yourself before you wreck yourself.

OMG Essays.


Basically for the past week I have been actively grading essays in my free time online
cough cough cough or playing scrabulous cough cough
... somehow the coughs didn't really work in covering that up in text nearly as well as I'd hoped.

but really. massive amounts of essay grading. almost too much.
three MCAT classes - and for some reason they keep sending them. one class has even built up a decent enough backlog that they have stopped sending them this week out of sympathy for the number that I already have!

hence - in homage to the ones that I have already read through - here are excerpts of text that amused me most when reading through them. Some are obviously typos, misspellings, and a few just plain odd. enjoy. I did.

- 'This will go down in the anals of history' ... sounds like a not-so-fun time to be alive to me.
- 'J. Edgar Hoover was a man known for his reign of terror among Americans' ... you mean the vacuum guy?
- 'great leaders can be made if they expose themselves' ... I thought it went just the opposite.
- 'complex tissues' ... are there easy tissues?
- 'leonidas was king from 1300 - 1237, and then led the army of 300 in 1233 against the Persians' ... so - let's do some math here .... even assuming that he was just 14 when he became king (right of manhood at a young age) then he would have been king till he was 77 - then somehow stopped being king for 4 years - then leads the 300 at the virile age of 81!
- 'in some instances a great leader can be mad' ... so can everyone else.
- 'doubtless this casts doubt' ... wait - surely this brings surety?
- 'sometimes a student needs to be castrated in order to improve' ... I'm pretty sure they meant castigated - I hope ...
- 'your sure their are to many' ... I almost choked.

and I leave you with those. I will try to keep better track as I attack the next bunch - and see what shows up!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Some Interesting Facts:

It is impossible to lick your own elbow. (don't try this)
A crocodile can't stick its tongue out. (neener-neener!)
In a study of 200,000 ostriches over a period of 80years,
no one reported a single case where an ostrich buried it's head in the sand. (unless it's dead...)
It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky. (even if they are flying)
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit. (or just preggos)
Rats and horses can't vomit. (what about pigs?)
Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times. (how about techno?)
The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. (movie film was developed before b&w prints)
Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married.
A duck's quack doesn't echo, and no one knows why. (because ducks are not real)
A quarter of all photocopier faults worldwide are caused by people sitting on them and
photocopying their buttocks. (this explains so much about office life)
In the course of an average lifetime you will, while sleeping, eat 70 assorted insects and 10 spiders. (and one iguana)
Most lipstick contains fish scales. (cigarettes are still worse)
Cat's urine glows under a black-light. (did someone find this out at a rave?)
Everyone's tongue print is different. (tasty ID scanners at CIA?)
I bet you tried to lick your elbow!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Music Illusions.

I like visual illusions so much that when I stumbled on this, I couldn't help but post it!

There are a bunch more - at least one of which I successfully linked Google Reader to - but such a cool concept ... your brain can just as easily screw up what you are hearing as what you are seeing ... yes! so cool.

enjoy the link.

btw - you might want a pair of really good headphones on hand to get the full effect (I used Bose noise reduction!).

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Brain Just Shut Off.


back in Vermont ... but the real crux is: at the homestead. You got it. 56kbs modem at its best - more like 8kbs download, 4kbs upload averages. Hence the reason that I no longer need to pay attention to what pages I have loading in the background. I can throw up six new tabs of news, or feeds, or pages that I want to visit - and then go take a nice relaxing bath while I wait for the full load.

... say what? you sent me a sweet picture attached to that email. heh. don't be silly. I'm only here for a few days, that's not nearly enough time. I feel like I must be making a 'your mama' joke here but here's the stark reality.

-This internet is so slow that the auto-save feature on ALL of the Google/Gmail apps takes three tries to contact the server and actually push trough a save.
-This internet is so slow that Gmail asked if I wanted to load in plaintype, not regular html.
-This internet is so slow that I got up, found some cookies, BREWED TEA, and then came back and scrabulous still hadn't loaded my games.
-This internet is so slow that I've been browsing facebook simply because the pages contain so little raw data they actually load in under a minute.
-This internet is so slow I now have a child in grade school.
-This internet is so slow I forgot what pages I was loading and just shut them down, in the hopes that the one page I remember wanting to load might actually use the strength from its fallen comrades and pull through.
-This internet is so slow, Google Reader won't even mark feeds as read, because it doesn't yet know that I've scrolled over them.


btw - the feeds at the right side are from Google Reader - they show the recent pages, links, pics, that I've been JUST browsing online - and change every day. check 'em out! usually I find decent stuff for everyone!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ice Storm Upgrade

I upgraded the links at the side of the page to show 20 items, and posted a few new YouTube links as well. It's an ice storm in VT today ... so I figure that everyone will stay home, drink hot cocoa, and browse the internet for hours on end (certainly what I intend to do, while using the Oxford comma uncharacteristically consistently).

Oh yeah - and i'm making a huge vat of split pea soup. Delicious. I guess that I don't really have to say 'huge vat' anymore ... if you know my cooking at all, you know that I can't help but make way more food than personal or guest consumption could ever validate! Hurray for cooking in excess. It's all training for when I decide to have a huge family of ten kids. Not mine of course. just I'll have them around on occasion to cook for. And then send them away to annoy someone else. Maybe I should do a summer camp! oooooh ... what a concept. I've always wanted to do an artist retreat, bed and breakfast, teach someone something and cook, and get paid for it type of thing.

rain rain ice ice freeze
scrambling pedestrians
I lounge warm inside

Sunday, March 2, 2008

In Response.

The chili I made
both spicy and bountiful
sits cold in the fridge

three mile walk tonight
was colder than expected
so I made cookies

cartoons have a way
of drawing me in for more

the essays from my
med class continuously
fail to grade themselves