Monday, March 24, 2008

OMG Essays.


Basically for the past week I have been actively grading essays in my free time online
cough cough cough or playing scrabulous cough cough
... somehow the coughs didn't really work in covering that up in text nearly as well as I'd hoped.

but really. massive amounts of essay grading. almost too much.
three MCAT classes - and for some reason they keep sending them. one class has even built up a decent enough backlog that they have stopped sending them this week out of sympathy for the number that I already have!

hence - in homage to the ones that I have already read through - here are excerpts of text that amused me most when reading through them. Some are obviously typos, misspellings, and a few just plain odd. enjoy. I did.

- 'This will go down in the anals of history' ... sounds like a not-so-fun time to be alive to me.
- 'J. Edgar Hoover was a man known for his reign of terror among Americans' ... you mean the vacuum guy?
- 'great leaders can be made if they expose themselves' ... I thought it went just the opposite.
- 'complex tissues' ... are there easy tissues?
- 'leonidas was king from 1300 - 1237, and then led the army of 300 in 1233 against the Persians' ... so - let's do some math here .... even assuming that he was just 14 when he became king (right of manhood at a young age) then he would have been king till he was 77 - then somehow stopped being king for 4 years - then leads the 300 at the virile age of 81!
- 'in some instances a great leader can be mad' ... so can everyone else.
- 'doubtless this casts doubt' ... wait - surely this brings surety?
- 'sometimes a student needs to be castrated in order to improve' ... I'm pretty sure they meant castigated - I hope ...
- 'your sure their are to many' ... I almost choked.

and I leave you with those. I will try to keep better track as I attack the next bunch - and see what shows up!

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