Sunday, March 30, 2008


yeah, yeah, yeah.

The only thing worse than someone who feels the need to put even more rubbish on the internet through a blog is someone with a blog that doesn't update it regularly. Thanks grandma. no - not really - she didn't say that. but you were all thinking it.

So - the deal is : I've been fanatic busy again.

DAT classes - yay for dentists! they're so polite!
MCAT classes - seems like we have more and more every day ....
I drive to Hanover, NH tomorrow for tutoring and classes - and the time in-between is for grading more essays.
Essays - they get their own blog days sometimes.
Bikram - trying to go twice a week - but I got sick.

here's what happened.

I did an MCAT class on Sat afternoon - and then went to the late Bikram Yoga class. For those of you out there that haven't already Googled it - Bikram is like a mix between yoga and Tae-Bo in a room heated to 100+ with 90+ humidity for 90 minutes to 2 hours non-stop. one 10 second drink break every half hour - is all. heat. sweat. heat. sweat. stretch. sweat. move. sweat. it's pretty ridiculous - but it's actually getting me used to the idea of being super hot and still moving and giving the extra effort when I think I'm about to fall over. So - that's awesome prep for the bike trip (not to mention that I am getting way more flexible). But then I thought that I was going to go to Auri's for dinner .... except that there was a miscommunication - and she had plans. So I thought I'd take the bus back. But this is now later in the day - and apparently the bus stopped running barely 1 MINUTE before I walked out of the Yoga studio. I waited like 10 minutes after everyone had left - because I could not -no matter what I did - stop sweating. I did cold water, stood in the hall, my heartbeat was relaxed, just pouring sweat all over though. So - I had to leave to get home - but didn't know that i had missed the last bus. Waited like 15 minutes in the bitter (20 degree) cold - sweating like a fool and freezing (like a fool) because I didn't want to bother my roommates to come pick me up (that's kind of lame). Finally decided that the bus wasn't going to come (which was correct) and walked the hour back to my apartment - constantly changing hands that were carrying my bag and gear because after about 2 minutes holding it in the cold my fingers would freeze up. yeah. stupid. so now I have a horrific sore throat and cough and feel sick like a dog - or at least a sick dog - and my head hurts. all bad things. somehow I must have thought that I could stay warm by walking back? wrong. ick. I hate being sick. and I had to teach for over 3 hours today and try not to rasp the whole time. what a bother. I hope I'm better by tomorrow - because I don't want to start off a new class with a cold - that's bad form.

anywho - glad to be back in the swing! more updates to come! training is getting even more underweigh - and I have new shoes - more on that later!

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