Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ice Storm Upgrade

I upgraded the links at the side of the page to show 20 items, and posted a few new YouTube links as well. It's an ice storm in VT today ... so I figure that everyone will stay home, drink hot cocoa, and browse the internet for hours on end (certainly what I intend to do, while using the Oxford comma uncharacteristically consistently).

Oh yeah - and i'm making a huge vat of split pea soup. Delicious. I guess that I don't really have to say 'huge vat' anymore ... if you know my cooking at all, you know that I can't help but make way more food than personal or guest consumption could ever validate! Hurray for cooking in excess. It's all training for when I decide to have a huge family of ten kids. Not mine of course. just I'll have them around on occasion to cook for. And then send them away to annoy someone else. Maybe I should do a summer camp! oooooh ... what a concept. I've always wanted to do an artist retreat, bed and breakfast, teach someone something and cook, and get paid for it type of thing.

rain rain ice ice freeze
scrambling pedestrians
I lounge warm inside


Anonymous said...

Nice haiku. :)

(Rob showed me your blog. I enjoy it.)

Laura Hirsch said...

Webster's says "scram-bling"
Is it 'artistic license'
to use "scram-bel-ing"???