Thursday, November 1, 2007

Just A Reminder ...

btw people - bikeandbuild - I need to raise $4,000.00 by May 08.
$2,000.00 of that needs to be in by January ... anything that you can think of to help is greatly appreciated.
donations from local groups, a bike shop near you that might be interested in donating gear, friends and family that might just think that it's such a weird and cool thing to bike cross country in two months and build houses for affordable housing that they want to donate $20 or $50 or $100. 501(c)3 charity totally tax deductible.
even if it's just giving me the number of a bike shop, and the person to contact, and having me do the final legwork. every little bit helps. I have a list of about $1,500.00 worth of gear that I need to acquire one way or another before I head off ... $20 buys a new chain, $40 a tire, $60 a pair of shorts ... every amount moves me closer to realizing the final goal - and then I can stop thinking about it!!
it's like public radio ... you want me to go on the trip. you want to know what happens. you'll check the blog. so - how much is that worth to you? to see me succeed? $20? $40? I've already put in $400 myself ... not including the gear that I already own ... I'd like to be able to say that all the rest came from caring individuals .... ;) enough guilt?
basically - even if you don't donate money, but know someone who does and you can twist their arm ... or print out a few fliers for free at your job/campus/parents' and distribute them around town to see if anyone bites - that's helping.
I've attached my cover letter - feel free to do with them as you see fit!
The actual PDF I can send in email as either PDF, or Word doc.
Thanks in advance!!

cover letter ------------------------------------------------------------------------
can also be emailed to you in Word, Text, or plain text formatting.

Elijah Schwartz
23 Goldman ln.
Jamaica, VT 05343
(802) 999 – 6021

Bike and Build Cyclist
Central United States 2008

Dear Community Member;

In an effort to better both myself and communities across the country, I have joined with Bike and Build for their 2008 season. Bike and Build is an independent 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing affordable housing, empowering young adults, and fostering the spirit of service. Throughout the nine week, 4,000 mile, cycling trip we will volunteer our time at local housing initiatives and bring media attention to the housing crisis in the United States.

To that end, I must raise $4,000.00 within the next several months. Some of which will go towards the necessary cycling gear, but the majority will be donated to affordable housing groups and charities nationwide.

I am asking for a monetary donation, either personal or from your business, to help me achieve my goal. I have enclosed contribution forms for your business, employees, friends, and family – should you/they choose to donate. The donation form amounts are not your only options, they just highlight the gift apparel that you can receive for meeting each tier. Please keep in mind that any donation amount is appreciated – and you can group together multiple donations. I am also offering – for any business donation – the choice of adding a four square inch sticker or patch with your logo to my bike or person.

Thank you for your consideration, help in distributing these forms, and charitable donation! Please feel free to contact me with questions at the above email address, or visit the Bike and Build website at


Elijah Schwartz


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