Wednesday, November 7, 2007


And I needed it.

Plus I'd just overcooked a batch of brownies. well ... I'm pretty sure that the oven burnt them ... since they were supposed to be in there for 40 minutes (I know, crazy long, but this was a huge batch) and I only left them in for 1/2 hour before the smoke alarm started going off. ...In my defense, it wasn't actually smoking ... or really burning (that one's a blatant lie), but the smoke detector must have had the dl, and knew.

So - between the rampant yet completely unproductive insomnia, way too much driving back and forth from Btown to the house today, and the oven of satan - I was more that ready to fend off lucidness as I hit the comforter and feather pillows.

Of course, I'm awake now ... and that means that I have to find something to keep me entertained for the next few hours ... because I can't possibly go back to sleep now ... might ruin my reputation. so - I have been debating between browsing Wikipedia,, randomly typing letters into online dictionaries to see what words they give me, and playing online scrabble till I get into a losing streak with a 1200 level player, just as I am about to solidify my cusp over 1100 ... and then go to bed mumbling archaic profanities that only count as words because you can play them in a tournament game and would never be used in real life ... and resolve to not play so many games in a row in the future ... especially not late at night as your vision starts to blur ... and definitely not if you're in a winning streak ... that's just asking for it.

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