Saturday, January 19, 2008

Food in The Woods.

always tastes a little better if you have to hike out, build a fire, sharpen sticks to cook it on, and then eat it still sizzling with steam shooting out of your mouth. Landgrove - several pounds of chipotle marinated pork cubes, sechuan barbecue beef cubes, and lime garlic chicken cubes were skewered, roasted, and consumed with delight - after a peaceful drive out to the middle of nowhere, a nice hike up to the top of the hill, and a fire that somehow made enough smoke to incapacitate everyone on each side of the pit.


oh yeah - and there was a loaf of bread and sharp cheddar cheese. grilled cheese sandwiches were attempted with the roasting sticks ... but with little real victory. perhaps on the next trip! corn on the cob would have been delicious as well ... mmmm. and a longer hike.

yes. vermont winter is lovely - but it could stand to be a little bit warmer in the finger area.

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