Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Umm .... Cold.

The weather channel says that it's 22 degrees out and 'feels like 10'.

no. it's worse.

it feels much colder when you have decided that today is just as good a day as any to get back outside on the bike and really start getting in shape for Bike and Build. because - hey - why not - it's sunny and nice and the air feels crisp and enjoyable - and you've got an a thermal and tweed jacket and long pants and it wasn't that cold walking to work this morning.

no. it's cold.

I had to stop at Brooks, which may or may not have recently been bought up by Rite Aide - but I refuse to call it that, because for at least the 6 years that I have been living in Burlington, it has been a Brooks - and I can't let that piece of nostalgia get left behind in this sweep of corporate franchise bulldozing. Hence - if I ever give you directions to turn at the Brooks - just turn at the Rite Aide. Because it's only a Brooks in my heart now. Anyways. Stopped at the Brooks to get a second pair of gloves (which - incidentally makes sense - because there are two gloves in a pair, whereas a pair of pants - there is only one pant. sure - there are two legs - but would you ever where one leg without the other? no. you'd look very short-bus if you did - so why the pair?hmm?) and a hat ... yeah ... went out without a hat. I know. but it looked so sunny. ...and I couldn't find my hat. the truth comes out. my room in an inconsolable mess right now ... and an earwarmer layer because those seem to get cold all the time no matter what.

yeah. cold biking.

so I did a nice mild 6 mile loop, just to test things out, do some sharp uphill sections, a little flat biking, but really - nothing even felt stretched out except that my throat hurt from the cold more than anything, and the bike needs a serious professional tune-up. and probably a new bottom bracket. so I have to make some new bike shop friends and see what I can do for parts. fun fun. and where did my studded winter tires go?? geez. falling apart here.

no. not literally.

and in the meantime I am going to go make and eat delicious chinese food over at Pete's place on Spear street! dumprings anyone?

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