Saturday, September 15, 2007

Barbados or Park City?

Bear Lake!! Imagine, if you will, driving through the barren wasteland that is the desert of middle Utah - and suddenly, as if through a dehydrated mirage, Barbados springs up in the distance. At first, you're not quite sure ... is that just a strange toxic wasteland at the base of that mountain over there? Or is it a function of how the heat differential bends the light from the blue sky over a flat distance, due to the fact that blue light bends more easily than red when shifting through a medium change, according to the principles expressed in Snell's Law. Recall that c=(lambda)*f and that n1*sin(theta1)=n2*sin(theta2), so if we are moving from a high density medium to a low density medium light will bend away from the normal. right? just checking. pay attention - these things actually do get used in real life ... or at least in my head, in real life.

So, you get closer and closer, and it turns out that yes! There really is an enormous, crystal clear, turquoise, tropical lake in the middle of Utah! And since everything in Utah revolves around private clubs and mini resorts, there was no real way to access it!

... no way that is ... unless you were willing to got a little dirty on the way. Road signs passed on the way in - 'MUD AHEAD', '5MPH MAX SPEED', 'ROAD DAMAGE'. But the lake was amazing! We had to restrain ourselves from camping there (on the far edge of some farmer's wheat field), just because it is NOT Barbados. And even though it looks amazing and fun - we don't have enough money to go Skidoo racing for a dollar PER MINUTE!

Barbados - goodbye. Salt Lake City - hello.

Shout out to Lee Tucker! Woot! Clubbing Utah style!
... and to using Brent's future room as a crash pad!

The only thing that you have to remember when heading downtown in Utah is that 'Yes, I am a member.' and 'Yes, I already paid my membership fee.' and don't look at the walls of the bar - keep your eyes straight ahead, like you go there all the time, and immediately order a drink ... but not two at a time. And not odd numbered shots - they charge you more than for an even number. And remember that a shot really is 1-1.5 ounces here ... pony shots ... and don't expect a lot of fancy bartending bottle tricks ... even the Jose is shot out of a fountain gun! When we were done, we had all been acknowledged members of a good half a dozen private clubs. Next time Tucker, let's start at the top of the hill in Park City and work down, instead of the other way around!

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