Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oldschool Phones and Spirals.

Brunch with Colin! 'Training Table' ... with the name and as he said that it was somewhere that a lot of base people go, we were expecting a military themed experience ... but - no! Sweet little diner-esque place without waitresses! More on that: we had just been having a conversation about same of the terrible service that we had gotten - due to that we smell like road, look like campy campers, and our age group doesn't usually tip that well. Anywho - you sit down at these booths, where ever you want, menus are on one end of the booth - and so is a 1960s brown phone ...

Supposedly, you pick up the phone to order ... so ... of course I had to test this. And yes! the phone rings - a cook plugs in to an enormous switchboard in the back - and they answer! No milkshakes. So I hung up.

Order - go get the food - bring whatever condiment bottles back you want - sit down - eat away! Actually really decent food! great fries! great burgers ... all in all, an excellent choice!

Back to Colin's, and somehow managed to resist the chance to sit on a real couch, with a 65 inch SRXD Sony TV, in a real apartment, with super cold AC, and collapse. We did leave John there ... under the impression that he was going to work on his application for med school ... suuure.

So the rest of us ventured off into the primitive Utah wilderness - following a two page script of directions that Colin made in his room while we were all sedated - trying to subvertly lead us all to the 'public shooting grounds', while seeming to be leading us to the famed 'Spiral Jetty' of Art History textbooks, out among the Salt Flats. After a good hour of driving, we found ourselves at the end of a 'road' in Salt Flats. The only reasn to call it a road, is because other cars had driven it before us. Let us here-to-for refer to it as the 'boulder strewn car-sized pathway of axle mangling holes and mayhem'. Colin just smiled. He secretly knew all along. That's the real reason we didn't take his car, even though there were only four of us total. Diabolical, yet practical.

So, we found this 'Jetty' ... load of nothing. barely a whole curve left of the spiral ... long walk out to get to the end, and just a huge salt flat of nothingness. I mean ... we walked out to the end and stmped in salt puddles ... but kinda disappointing ... hey ... wait ... does the road keep going out that way ... ? ... is that even a road?

okay ... I guess we'll find out ... it's an SUV, right?

Hey! A spiral jetty! Woohoo! In the middle of the Salt Flats (which apparently is one of the locations that Norton gets thier salt...). sweet! ... now, is there anywhere to turn around?

Turned around ... without poppig a tire ... somehow ... Colin walked a half mile off the road to get the tourists who decided to park on the road because they might hurt their SUV by pulling off. Like it wouldn't have already bottomed out on the actual 'road'. That done - carpets, couches, cool air, complementary wireless, in Colin's apt await!

Hibachi dinner - supercool - flying shrimp, fire volcanoes, eggs and knives twirling, and sushi bundles! And let me tell you ... two full meals in one day, AC, and a fluffy carpet to sleep on ... we were all in heaven! We almost didn't leave the next morning ... and almost cut a piece of carpet out from under his couch to take with us ... I mean, it'd get shipped back when we were done ...

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