Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Death . . . Valley.

Costco: Breakfast on Samplers, Lunch packs for later, new computer, inflatable swimming pool, and 8 pounds of canned corn.
...except for those last three.

Dick's: New air mattress for the felampers.

Car: drive ... most of the afternoon.

Death Valley: 100+ degrees Fahrenheit. Dry. Under Sea level. Sand dunes made of ultra-fine quartz ... actually so fine that it feels almost wet when you walk on it. Hot. AC required to be turned off to prevent car overheating. I considered trying to cook an egg on the hood. It would have worked. if we'd had an egg.

Car: drive ... the rest of the day, and into the night.

Sierra Nevada Mtns: Camp! dry wood everywhere, great little stream by the campsite, amazing mountains, nearly full moon lighting everything, great moon photos of the stream, cute bridge.

Campsite rank: among top five so far.

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