Thursday, September 13, 2007

Roadwork and 32 Bean

Drive out looked like VT ... until the trees suddenly end and you are in huge hills and rocks ... and then those end and you are in plains for as far as you can see ... then those end and you are back in mountains ... crazy geology.

On the way in to Yellowstone we saw a lovely Moose couple sauntering along the side of the road. Really saunter is the only way to describe a moose meander - basically it's a way of saying, 'hey, I'm bigger than your SUV, I weigh as much as a large boulder, and have nowhere pressing to be.' nice couple. they said hello, and then continued up the ridge trail to munch some buds.

We then spent a good 45 minutes hanging out at on a random hillside on the road, because the road was 'damaged' and they were doing construction ... before a high volume weekend ... during the late day, when everyone goes in to campsites ... with One Pilot Car that has to lead you up and back and up and back, one group at a time ... because we can't be trusted to drive? thanks guys. great timing.

Now we have to set up the tent in the dark. And I was hoping to make a delicious 32 bean stew, in the still young twilight, over a gregarious fire, while musing on life's great simplicities and noting the plentiful wildlife - that just might, if I started in a decent key, break into song with me!

... ummm. dark though. and frigid. 32 bean over the campstove?

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