Thursday, September 20, 2007

Down in the Slots ...

Discussion - is it Grand Staircase, or Escalante? Aren't they the same thing? So then ... why are there different signs for each one on the highway, but on the map they are listed as one?

Bryce - beautiful. Possibly my favorite canyon in terms of aesthetic. hiked down into the slots. probably not the best name in the world. we were down in the slots. doesn't sound all that great. kind of like our new name for dinner and lunch combined (a common meal on the road) ... dunch. we were hungry and had to eat dunch yesterday. not really appetizing is it?

hiked for a few hours, you know, to keep the overall stamina up. tried to climb a hoodoo ... turns out that they are much less solid than you might - wait ... did you think they were solid? ... I did - think. almost fell and broke my elbow. after only a few yards up. so I didn't keep climbing. strange choice, I know.

Great campground in the forest. tied the whole bottom of the tent securely in the tarp ... like a huge diaper ... because it looked like it was really going to rain. of course it didn't. if we put on shorts and Hawaiian shirts it would snow. that's why we keep on thermals and fleeces ... or it could be because of the pervading cold and wind.

1 comment:

Cailyn said...

You don't have to put a blog entry for EVERY day.. you could fast forward and actually blog on the correct date because you are almost 2 weeks behind..You'll be in Charlotte physically soon...and in Utah Bloggally. Yup that a new word. Blogally.