Monday, September 3, 2007

I've got hundreds of these ...

The update first - almost everything that needs to be packed is. Somehow spent another hundred bucks today for those last minute supplies to fill in the gaps in our lists ... I have reason to believe that there will be more gaps to be filled. I just want to leave with enough money to stay on the road the full expected time! grrrrrrrrrrr.

good news is that my cousin has started highschool physics - and might need my help. So, I get to do physics on long car rides (we will have moderate internet access due to a cool phone, hardware, and secret program) without seeming unusually weird! ... I already considered printing out lots of math problems to do if I get bored ... but ended up doing a few because they just looked too interesting!!

I thought about posting some of the more amusing problems ... then realized that they were probably only amusing to me ... and just a painful reminder to others of the math classes that they were forced to take back in governmentally mandated education programs. so I'l leave those out until prompted.

and here are a few more -

If someone 'whispers sweet nothings in your ear' - how can you tell that they are sweet? maybe these particular 'nothings' are bitter, tart, salty, sour, or that weird 7th flavor Umami ... crazy MSG ... and would you really know?? they're nothing! ... so wouldn't you really not even be whispering then? and you are not in their ear. and the nothings can't possibly be in their ear. this is just ridiculous.

'head over heals in love' ... correct me if I am wrong ... but isn't that how we are normally. I mean, unless you are a carny.

when you are in trouble, you might be 'in an pickle' ... and I respect that. first of all, you're in a vegetable - no fun - and it's been in brine for so long that they changed its name. but ... I mean ... a pickle is kinda soft ... how about - 'in a coconut'! That would be a real tough one to get out of!

'got a bone to pick with you' ... I was hoping that the etymology sprang from gravedigger competitions, or vulture camaraderie newsletters ... but alas. dogs. why you would be comparing yourself to a dog though ...

If 'laughter is the best medicine' ... then how come we still go see doctors instead of comedians? ... wait ... or does this mean that doctors .... hey, what is in the Hippocratic oath exactly?!

Since 'mind your own beeswax' is synonymous with 'mind your own business' ... was beeswax such a booming industry at one point that business and a yellow odoriferous candle fuel were thought to be the same?

more packing.

nearly done.



Cailyn said...

Ok...all of the last stupid sayings comments...were dumb..the first blog about that was funny, but you missed the boat on most of those. And hey a pickle? That refers to a pickle in baseball, when you're caught between two bases.. you wouldn't know that because you are sports retarded.
And don't share you're math problems, no one cares.
Love you! Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Well, no one does care about the math problems, but that tungsten thing was pretty cool. Brings me back to when you'd do that with physics problems and I'd pretend to understand. Reading these makes me really regret not stopping in if I ever found time (which, in retrospect, I never did, but still). Hope you're doing well!